Chapitre V _ Invités

Ciclo Bíblico e Hollywood: O Cristianismo do Novo e Velho Testamentos, interpretação a partir de uma visão do Cinema Eurocêntrico

Regis Frota Araújo
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil


The text aims - in an impressionistic tone - to recall the construction of a biblically inspired cinematic cycle, guided by the Hollywood achievements of the 1950s and 60s, here, interpreted as the result of a Eurocentric vision, as North American cinema, as well as knowledge European, it has a colonialist and depreciating nature in the East, making it a true Western invention, in Edward Saidian terms.

Mots-clés Cycle cinématographique, Vision eurocentrique, Les réalisations hollywoodiennes des années 50 et 60.
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