Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema

Mulheres e narrativa audiovisual brasileira: reconfigurações a partir de marcos temporais

Patrícia Cardoso D’Abreu
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil
Flavia Leiroz
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
N.º 12 (2021)
Publicado 2024-10-31


In 2020, we celebrate 25 years of the Beijing Action Platform. In Brazil, we now have 14 years of the Maria da Penha Law and 5 years of the Feminicide Law. Based on these three time frames, we made a quantitative survey of Brazilian cinematographic and audiovisual documentary productions on feminicide. These works are analyzed qualitatively, based on Paul Ricouer’s triple mimesis and the relationships he established between time and narrative. The social and cultural context of insertion of the narrated cases, the possible mediations and the voices of the narrator are also problematized by three aspects: the reflections on women as negative, by Simone de Beauvoir; the notion of silencing worked on by Rebecca Solnit; and Judith Butler’s gender as performance approach. The chosen theme and methodology are potent tools for understanding the documentary narrative composition about feminicide that explains ruptures and permanences of gender stereotypes.

Palavras-chave : Mulheres brasileiras, Narrativa audiovisual, Documentário, Feminicídio, Género.
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