Chapitre II _ Cinéma - Cinéma

Análisis práctico de la obra de Pere Portabella (1967-1976): la subversión de la Manera de Representación Institucional a través de la música

Josep Torelló Oliver
Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia Multimèdia (CITM) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), España
Jaume Duran Castells
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), España


This article analyzes part of the filmography of the Catalan director Pere Portabella (Figueres, 1927) in the period 1967-1976. The analysis focuses on those sequences in which Portabella articulates a music-image relationship that allows him to subvert the traditional Institutional Mode of Representation (Burch 2008), while developing a cinematic proposal that is typical of film modernity, also called Modern Mode of Representation. We consider that this subversion of the institutional language happens when it is articulated a music and an image that tense the classical definition of institutional diegetic space-time. We analyze 8 paradigmatic cases that permit us to understand how the aesthetic relationship between music and image in their work allows to develop a modern cinematography proposal.

Mots-clés Pere Portabella, Théorie de la musique, Filmographie de la modernité, Avant-garde.
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