Chapitre II _ Cinéma - Cinéma

Health Knowledge, Awareness & Social Stigma as Reflected in Egyptian Drama - HIV/AIDS as Paradigm

Jailan Mahmoud Sharaf
Faculty of Mass Media & Communication Technology, Suez University, Egypt


The purpose of the study to explore the content of drama as folk format to be utilized as educational entertainment spectacle to inform, educate awareness of HIV/AIDS disease and maintain the society from stigmatizing the infected people. The study is considered a qualitative research using content analysis questionnaire to analyze five Egyptian drama storytelling produced to address the HIV/AIDS disease including the plot ,characters, knowledge, awareness and social stigma. The results indicate that the information is limited to the transmission of the virus. We found that the infected people are stigmatized by the society although they have to receive their rights as human beings.

Mots-clés Analyse du contenu dramatique, HIV/SIDA, connaissances, sensibilisation, stigmatisation sociale.
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