Chapitre I _ Cinéma - Art

A cidade e a paisagem urbana como personagem de cinema a visão de uma urbanista e cinéfila aprendiz

Miriams de Oliveira Gonçalves
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil


The aim of this paper is to analyse the cinematographic resource of exploring the city and its urban landscape as a film character. Our proposal is provoking a reflection on how this personage, the city, can highlight cultural, political and ideological issues as well as how the city perception can be changed by a film repercussion. We will focus on discussions raised in fields such as Space Philosophy, Urban Anthropology, Cultural Geography and even the Real Estate Market by analyzing examples from different nationalities and backgrounds that can provide a starting point for a global point of view. In order to examine this hypothesis, some proposed films are: “Roma”, by Alfonso Cuarón (Mexico, 2018), “Aquarius” by Kleber Mendonça Filho (Brazil, 2016) and “Midnight in Paris” by Woody Allen (EUA, 2011).

Mots-clés Cinéma, Ville, Urbanisme, Espace urbain, Anthropologie cinématographique.
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