Capítulo IV _ Cine - Tecnología

O uso do 3D como uma ferramenta de auxílio na criação de um curta-metragem de animação 2D

Pedro Henrique Costa Reis
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Mônica Stein
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil


The article deals with the process of creating a 2D frame-by-frame animation which uses 3D animation as an aid tool for the creation of some of the character’s movements. It discusses the concepts that underlie the use of this technique, how technological advances have modified and diversified the way of producing animations and the reasons behind the choice of this method of production. In addition, it follows the process of pre-production, production and post-production of an animation by the author. The short film created is called “The world that was dear to me” and it is a story about growing up.

Palabras clave 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Technique, Production, Short Film.
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