Capítulo II _ Cine - Cine

Símbolos, religiosidade e pertencimento. Diálogos entre história do Brasil e da África em três documentários

Ivana Denise Grehs


The persistent search for visibility of the influence of African culture for the history of Brazil, travels through three recently produced documentaries: Àkàrà, no fogo da intolerância; Sankofa: a África que te habita; Chico Rei entre nós. Their narratives promote dialogues between the past and present, religiosity and resistance, culture and ancestral memory, life and death, while exposing the intimate relationship between photography and cinema. Which memory wires do we weave when we connect images of Africa, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, images in which black bodies are the protagonists? Voices that cross the Atlantic Ocean, in both directions, echoes through the ages.

Palabras clave Blackness, África, Fotografía, Documental.
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