Chapter II _ Cinema - Cinema

Mountain range of Amoras II and the social imaginary overseas field in exercise of the invisible photography

Gregorio Galvão de Albuquerque
Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio (EPSJV/Fiocruz) e Programa de Políticas Públicas e Formação Humana (PPFH/UERJ), Brasil


This text aims to problematize the question of the invisible and social invisibility from the exercise of Photography of the Invisible and from the analysis of the short “Cordilheiras de Amoras II” and its construction of the social imaginary extra-field. In the film, the main character, the little Indian Guarani Kaiowá Carine Martines, opens the doors of her “home” and presents her whole world experience. As a way of applying the discussion in education, the exercise “photography of the invisible” performed in a school environment will also be presented. What relationship does this invisible person have with social reality? How does it establish itself with the real world and represent it through the invisible? Questions that will guide the text.

Keywords Cinema, Invisible, Photography, Outfield, Social reality.
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