Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
Entretenimento: o crescimento da mídia cinema no Brasil.
This article seeks to discuss how entertainment, that has presented itself as a continuing success around the world in terms of growth, has made a positive impact in the media that is consumed in movie theaters and different brands. We can notice that “Movie Theaters”, in media terms, has received some extra privilege, as some of the most recent actions, stimulated by all the technological possibilities and national growth in production, has presented a high degree of creativity and favored brands that have used it, either in and out of the big screens, and even in product placement actions, which have started to be more present in Brazilian productions since 2006 in Daniel Filho’s “Se Eu Fosse Você”. By the results, the tendency is that his growth will keep on happening, which could lead to more movie rooms in Cinemas and in places with bigger consumption potential, considering that it will happen in the largest metropolises in Brazil, regions with the biggest concentration of people in Brazil.

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