Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
Aguas ultrajadas: resistencia indígena a la minería y su visibilización documental
Several indigenous worldviews in the Americas fight for the survival of their worldviews and conceive the Earth as a Mother as they are threatened, among others, by mining projects that directly disrupt them along with their territories. Assuming that every worldview is a construct, judging whether a worldview is true or false is irrelevant. What is interesting is to consider that indigenous worldviews have as a priority preserving water —synonymous with life— and, ending them, means eliminating ontological positions that safeguard the water. In this conference I use two documentaries. The first, El río que se robaron (2006), directed by Gonzalo Guillén, makes visible how mining impacts the Colombian Wayúu people; the second, Huicholes: los últimos guardianes del peyote (2014), directed by Hernán Vilchez, shows how the Mexican Wixárica people resist mining. Analyzing these, I contextualize, firstly, these peoples and, secondly, I break down part of the audiovisual treatment of the videos to consider how these peoples and their struggles are made visible. The conference invites us to consider that it is necessary to take care of indigenous peoples and their worldviews because they are guardians of water, and to think about which documentary audiovisual strategies generate resonance in the non- indigenous viewer by making the indigenous struggle visible.

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