Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação

Da literatura à graphic novel e à linguagem cinematográfica: a transmidialidade em Deuses Americanos, de Neil Gaiman

Márcio Ribeiro
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil
N.º 14 (2023)
Publicado 2024-01-05


The transmedia narrative, central theme of this article, is part of a doctoral study currently being developed by the author, in the Postgraduate Program in Language and Literature from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, in São Paulo, Brazil. That research has as its object the literary work American Gods, by Neil Gaiman, published in 2001, later adapted to a graphic novel and also presented in the form of a TV series, composed of three seasons, shown in Brazil from 2017 to 2021 by Amazon Prime streaming channel. Based on its transmediality (literature, comic book, and film language) the research aims to investigate the relationships between the textual/literary and graphic/textual languages of the comics, and the moving image (kinetic) of TV and cinema, which in this context and in American Gods characterize a transmedia content. For the development of the proposed research, a bibliographic research is being conducted in order to investigate concepts and authors that allow systematizing the main theories about transmediality.

Palavras-chave Transmedia, Convergence, Literature, Comics, Cinema.
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