Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
ENCINE: uma prova de conceito de política pública para o audiovisual
Government investments in the audiovisual sector in Brazil are made by ANCINE, the Brazilian Film Agency, under the supervision of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture through two main axis: Regulation (to fight marketing concentration practices) and Funding, through tax incentives, stimulating private investment in the sector and allocation of resources to the various links of the audiovisual production chain.
However, despite the growth of economic activities in the area, there are no public policies nor a long-term strategic approach able to promote a real democratic access and opportunities to movie making training and practice by brazilian citizens, especially young people. Instead, the ad hoc public intervention practice is a set of punctual, ineffective, and elitist programs.
ENCINE (Hypermedia and Audiovisual Producers, Screenwriters and Filmmakers Encounter), is an intervention program idealized by filmmaker Pedro Gandolla and realized by LIGHTRAY Multimedia (an audiovisual production company based in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo - Brazil) that creates opportunities to young people craving to develop their talents and find partners to operationalize their creative expression as filmmakers.
Through the mobilization of hypermedia and cinema artists, since 2013, we´ve been implementing public policies collaboratively aiming to interfere with state interventions, democratize the access to and increase the quality of the cinematographic production in Brazil. ENCINE, as a civil society public policy proof of concept, is a revolutionary, scalable strategy that fills the gap of a long term, democratic and inclusive vision to the audiovisual sector development.

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