Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Os Cenários Assombrados de Amorteamo (2015) no olhar da Semiótica da Cultura
The article aims to study the haunted scenarios of the miniseries Amorteamo (2015) directed by Flávia Lacerda, broadcast by Rede Globo de Televisão. Amorteamo’s narrative was freely inspired by the book Assombrações do Recife Velho by Northeastern sociologist Gilberto Freyre, where the dead come back to life to rescue pending issues. The five-episode miniseries presents in its narrative characteristics of the fantastic genre, according to Todorov (2006) for the fantastic to be installed, it is necessary to have a strange fact, which causes hesitation in both the protagonist and the spectators. The return to life of the character of the suicidal bride Malvina generates hesitation in the characters who witness the act of the bride rising from the grave as in the spectators who watch the scene. Amorteamo’s scenarios contextualize the fantastic narrative, so we identify three places where strange events occur, such as the mansion, the church and the cemetery. German expressionism is the visual concept worked on in the miniseries, represented in the worn out scenarios and in the play of light and shadow. To interpret such scenarios, we seek the contribution of the semiotics of Russian culture represented by the linguist Iúri Lótman (1996) and by the Brazilian researcher Irene Machado (2003), as this theory provides us categories of analysis that allow us to discuss all the symbology present in the images. In our investigative path, in addition to the authors already mentioned, we also used Lotte Eisner (1985), Ana Luísa Camarani (2014) and Bertrand Lira (2013).

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