Capítulo IV _ Cinema - Tecnologia
Do Flash ao Klynt: a padronização algorítmica da narrativa no Webdocumentário
The problem of the sense-production accompanies us throughout history and intensifies with each new technological paradigm. When we think of webdocumentaries (or webdocs), the universe of sense-production involves some typical concepts of digital writing that deserve to be rethought, such as interactivity, linearity, multilinearity and the very concept of narrative. From the analysis of 109 webdocumentaries made over two decades (2002-2020), which remain online, it was possible to verify an overlap between the formatting of the main webdocs production software and the standardization of the narrative structure as a reflection of the argorithmic configuration of each one of them. Flash and HTML (dominant during the first decade), Korsakow, HTML5, Klynt, RacontR, acted, each in its own way, according to the results obtained, decisively in the organization of contents, navigability, usability, hypertextuality and interactivity.

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