Capítulo IV _ Cinema - Tecnologia
Contributo da comunicação visual na simbiose entre espaço e tecnologia: o caso Zora
Visual communication is a key factor for the graphic development of a project. The association Zora, in the scope of the event “De cor”, has as main goal to establish the communication of the event, as well as the connection between the public and the city of Marco de Canaveses. With this focus, the use of Motion Graphics, and its application in Video Mapping, prove to be the most suitable visual communication elements to generate empathy with the target audience.
The research is structured through the study of concepts in communication and visual identity, its evolution, in its various forms of intervention, from animation to the emergence of Motion Graphics. In this context, Video Mapping is approached as a visual communication platform for cultural events. An analysis of the designer’s role in the conception and development of visual communication is also promoted. Case studies are used to investigate the contribution of typography and technologies to the development of communication for cultural events.
In the development of the empirical work, use was made of projectual methodologies informed by design involving a varied set of steps, processes, techniques, and methods, seeking to respond to the general objective of the study.
This project allowed the reflection on the importance and efficiency of the use of new technological instruments in the visual communication of an event of social and cultural importance, revealing itself as an enhancer of the message to communicate to the target audience.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.