Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
No cinema de Woody Allen os sujeitos pós-modernos com suas neuroses nas cidades de Nova York, Barcelona e Paris.
Many labels have been critically placed in Woody Allen’s films, but throughout his career the filmmaker and screenwriter has, from time to time, films that astonish audiences by the diversity of themes on display. Such a surprise happens mainly in 3 films that may seem old by their release dates but have themes that continue to be relevant in the life of postmodern cities and within an analysis of Western culture, we see in the films: Deconstructing Harry (1997) Vicky and Cristina Barcelona (2008), Midnight in Paris (2011). Starting from these films our look will be destined to New York, Barcelona and Paris and we will try to show how to live or to be in these cities can be one of the constituent partial elements of the subjectivity of these personages that comes to interfere, predominantly, in the psychological of them, that is, we will see as through the cinematographic art we can represent to represent the neuroses and psychoses of the real and imaginary personages that inhabit the big cities.
Our theoretical base will pass through the scholars of the phenomena of the cities in their schools: German, French, Anglo-Saxon American and its theories, as well as theorists of psychology and philosophy.

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