Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
On the teaching and learning of audiovisual writing
The arrival at an idea and its organization that leads to the design of an audiovisual project is a process of incorporation of creative strategies linked to the ludic in which the acquisition of the constructive tools and founding techniques of audiovisual writing that replicate in the millenary collaborate desire to tell stories.
The teaching and learning processes of audiovisual writing have gone through an interesting trajectory over the last three decades, linked, among other things, to discursive, narrative and technological modifications, and changes in production and consumption habits, producing differences and transitions significant in the media.
The rise of studies linked to audiovisual production and realization that began in the 1990s in Argentina in particular, but also in many other regions, consolidated over time a space for work and reflection on audiovisual disciplines that, currently, they have diversified into an industry that expands, grows and strengthens.
It is true that, initially, the academic programs were nourished by the history and language of cinematography and aimed at this industry, but, with the passing of the decades, the need to consolidate more and more the work in teaching and research of other languages and other screens.

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