Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
Cinema Negro de Animação e processos educativos afrocentrados
Black Animation Cinema (BAC) is a tool for the expression. of black people’s subjectivities and for African and Afro-Diasporic world perceptions, in a way that it can be understood as a contemporary griot tool. In the construction and consolidation of an Afro-centered educational Project, the various tools of Animation have contributed as a viable technology for expression, debate and representativity. In this work, we will present the perspective of two black Brazilian animators (Jamile Coelho e Jefferson Batista) concerning the Afro-centered educational possibilities BAC brings as a sensitive source of expression. for the strenghtening of black identity and a cultural sense of belonging within the struggle against racism. We articulate the opinions presented in interviews with elements of didactic works used in schools, Brazilian legislation about the teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian History and Arts, short animation films carried out in educational settings and academic research. Therefore, we can point some aspects of the relevance and necessity for the inclusion of Animation cinema techniques in Afro-centered and anti-racist educational projects, both so that black educators and students can make their own films, and the use of CNA works. for enjoyment and debate in formal and non-formal spaces of education.

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