Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
The long life of Carlo Collodi’s puppet between literature and cinema. Pinocchio: short excursus through screen adaptations and performances
The story of Pinocchio has not only influenced the world of literature but had also an important impact on different forms of art.
Pinocchio’s charm is still very much alive, as is his morale. This paper is a short excursus through its screen adaptations. The best-known of them are shortly named in the abstract, the other ones are nominated in the full article.
The first time Pinocchio entered the movies as a protagonist was in 1911. A few decades later, Carlo Collodi’s story also succeeded in Disney’s movie set, where it turned into an animated film.
Pinocchio entered the small screen in the ’70s, interpreted by Andrea Balestri, in a miniseries directed by Luigi Comencini. Three decades later it was the turn of Roberto Benigni, who in 2002 realized his vision of Pinocchio, both as a protagonist and as a director. Years later Benigni joined the cast of a new film on Pinocchio, directed by Matteo Garrone and released in 2019, where he played Geppetto. This Benigni-as-Geppetto “Pinocchio” was previously nominated for a 2021 Art Directors Guild award for excellence in production design for a fantasy film and a 2021 BAFTA Award for hair and makeup.
2022 seems to be a revival for Collodi’s story: Disney will stream a new film based on his novel, starring Tom Hanks, while a dark reimaging of the classic fable Pinocchio from Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson, and Patrick McHale, will be released by Netflix in 2022 in an animation project.

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