Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Eu Não Estou Aqui: diálogos com Agnés Varda
This work follows the artistic processes between 2019 and 2021 during a Master’s course in Contemporary Artistic Creation, that unfolded into “I’m not here”. A short documentary in which, from a conversation with her nephew, the director revisits losses that crossed her family. Like Cirandinha, a classic restaurant that used to be the local of family reunions in Copacabana.
Dialogues established with the artist Agnés Varda add to the narrative built in the film in the construction of this reflective portfolio that takes the form of an article. In addition, Giorgio Agamben’s notions about contemporaneity and profanation are evocated to deepening the reflections of the author’s trajectory in the last 3 years.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.