Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Arte e moda na criação de figurinos para cinema
Portugal has had a relationship with cinema for about 100 years, however, research on the work of costumes (or wardrobe) is practically non-existent, relegated to the second or third plane in national cinematography, where the highlight is on the director (Souza, 2019). Over time, the country has had and still has professionals who have stood out in the sector, such as Vera Castro, Jasmim de Matos Carvalho, Laurinda Farmhouse, Maria Gonzaga or Carla Figueiredo, who are joined by current fashion design names such as José António Tenente, Storytailors, Filipe Faísca or Valentim Quaresma, professionals who have a punctual relationship with this segment, except José António tenente who decided to close his fashion brand to dedicate himself fully to the creation of costumes for various performing arts projects. This work intends to explore an example of costume production work through the study of the Storytailors project, a work carried out for the preview, in Portugal, of the film “Alice in Wonderland” by Tim Burton. Thus, it is intended to understand how a pair of fashion designers interpreted the director’s imagination and recreated the universe of history, also being these true storytellers through art in the creation of the costumes. The work methodology consists of a mixed methodology, non-interventionist and interventionist. Initially, in a non-interventionist methodology, the bibliographic research. In a second phase, in an interventionist methodology, the study will focus on the work of the author brand Storytailors.

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