Capítulo V _ Convidados

O caso dos Novelistas Norte-Americanos do século XX e a atração pelo Cinema

Regis Frota Araújo
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
N.º 12 (2021)
Publicado 2021-10-25


The Hollywood film has contracted in the last century, numerous writers and novelists whose fiction writers and American artistic leaders, found shelter and work. A quick tour of their ideologies and missions explains this intricate relationship between American literature and cinematographic aesthetics. From Scott Fitzgerald to Toni Morrison, from Saul Below to Steinbeck, from Gore Vidal to Kerouack, and much others, filmmakers and writers search a unique language.

Palavras-chave Scott Fitzgerald, Toni Morrison, Saul Below, Steinbeck e Gore Vidal, Os escritores e o cinema de Hollywood.
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