Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
The capitalist view and the neoliberal conflict of society through the Brazilian documentary ‘Ilha das Flores’
In the West, the belief that capitalism and neoliberal openness is an advance towards the future has been sold, but the real cost that this generates is never discussed, since in itself, this trend only focuses on the macroeconomic part while it leaves aside the social. part, which has uprooted deep crises in societies, to the point of generating inequality and inequity. This essay aims to lead us to ask ourselves, based on the concerns shown in the documentary La Isla de las Flores, where the freedom of the human being is conditioned by neoliberalism, which has always professed total freedom.
This article was born from the postulate that we have made in the title, about that capitalist viiew and the conflicts that neoliberalism has raised in Latin America. We focus precisely within the framework of the documentary La Isla de las Flores, a documentary set in the 90s in which capitalism and neoliberalism were announced as a solution by the policies that new rulers after the fall of the dictatorship, and the openness to globalization, driven by the US. This documentary is precisely opposed, in a didactic and simple way, to capitalism and those neoliberal policies that from the social side are not the most effective.

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