Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
A criação do personagem cinebiográfico para o cinema: os desafios do roteirista para criar ou recriar.
The proposal is a research update where part of this research is to discuss the care to the writer needs to have in re-creating characters for a biopic in the construction of a screenplay. As a corpus, we will work with the writer Machado de Assis, who will guide us as a character in a writing proposal for his biopic. What are the main challenges of the writer: choosing a single biographical cut or keeping true to the facts? do we need to use poetic license? These are some of the questions that we intend to address, as well as the production adjustments for the realization of an audiovisual product.
Palavras-chave : Guião, Cinema, Criação, Biográfica, Machado de Assis.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.
Direitos de Autor (c) 2019 AVANCA | CINEMA