Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
“O Crime do Padre Amaro”: o drama que se descobre nas narrativas de Eça de Queiroz (1875), Carlos Coelho da Silva (2005) e Paula Rego (1997-1999)
O Crime do Padre Amaro (1874) was written by Eça de Queiroz in 1871 and given to read to some of his friends in 1872. According to Eça de Queiroz, this work was published for the first time only in 1875. As some issues of the Western Magazine, it was made without changes or corrections, and preserving all its sketchy features and improvisation (preface of the 2nd Edition). However, Eça de Queiroz decides to reconstruct it. So, he rewrites line by line all the text and, by adding new chapters to the story and modifying the action, he also changes the entire structure of the work making it the one we know today. Nowadays, this work brought up, given the plot that covers it, themes that are current and expounded in various works of cinema, literature, and visual arts. In this sense, we want to enlighten how these authors reveal the problems of ancient and contemporary society, in their visual and sound discourses. Color, sound, discursive options, and distinct interpretations will be the pillar of our investigation regarding the elucidation made by Eça de Queiroz and the technical and aesthetic options of Silva and Rego.

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