Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Vídeo experimental e autorretrato
In the development of the relationship between the artist and his artistic creation, the deconstruction of concepts and ideas within the scope of artistic praxis leads to the reflection of the crucial role that the artist has in the conception and meaning of the work. His creative production, in turn, appropriates not only the expressive force of the author to assert itself as an artistic creation, but can also assume to be the reflection of the self, its identity and materializes in the form of self-portrait. The self-portrait expands the artist’s interiority, externalizing concerns and questions, and conveys a subjective point of view about himself and his view of art. But how does self-portrait contribute to self-awareness? And how does the artist reveal himself and communicate beyond his appearance?
Based on these questions, the objective of this paper is to provide a reflection on self-portrait presenting the results of an artistic installation project that involved photographic language in the form of self-portrait and experimental video to represent feelings of disquiet. Influences such as Cindy Sherman, Lais Pontes or Francesca Woodman, whose creations approach the self-portrait in a not only original, but critical style, stand out.
It is a project of academic and artistic nature supported by theoretical foundations. The results allow us to conclude that the artistic installation, which began by presenting a self-portraying self-seeking identity, frees itself from its creator to enhance multiple variable interpretations depending on the observer’s attention.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.