Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Perspectiva comparada de una poética visual mística. La tradición a través de Paradjanov y Val del Omar.
The paper reaches to confirm the existence of ethnographic cultural tradition in the works of the film directors Serguei Paradzhanov and Jose Val del Omar through poetry, cinematographic techniques and traces of theoretical and practical mystique. Subsequently, two major issues are analysed: identifying signs of ethnographic tradition, and confirming clear examples of mystical visual poetics. The analysis of their films unearths topics such as the discussion of unique film genres with features from others, the concept of Pathosformel, or the use of mystical literary structures as a cinematic narrative technique.
For its creation and development, the nature of poetic films with a mystical component requires specific and complex techniques to illustrate the depth of the poetic message seen in the technical and aesthetic cinematic treatment on the chosen movies –we will focus to find similarities between the works of the Armenian and the Spanish filmmakers.

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