Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Leitmotiv original para o curta-metragem Vivi Lobo e o Quarto Mágico (2019): Um exercício composicional.
Lobinhas (2019) is an original composing by Paloma Cristina lasting two minutes made for the animation short-movie “Vivi Lobo e o quarto mágico” (2019) directed by Isabelle Santos. The theme music inspired by the character Vivi Lobo and her development in the narrative is an alternative soundtrack for the movie. The composition uses leitmotiv strategies to relate the song to the main character and then transposes it to Greek modes in order to transform the song accordingly to different emotional scales. Music is an important part of storytelling in which the feelings are narrated without visual information, so it is necessary create sound recognizing strategies like this project do. Building up a whole music soundtrack from a single leitmotiv and its variations in Greek modes gives for each different theme its own emotional character while keeps the same motif. The project shows the process of composing an original leitmotiv and its variations as well as the effects to the immersion of the viewer in the media narrative.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.