Capítulo V _ Convidados
Inteligência Artificial em Narrativas Audiovisuais: Experiência na Ciberperformance Aretusa Vox e vulva art
The report proposes a reflection on aesthetic issues in the use of artificial intelligence resources in the audiovisual narratives field. The discussion is circumscribed to the debate on collaborative processes of creation between human-machine in the field of digital media art and the emergence of AI Art. In this case, from the perspective of digital feminism, originating from cyberfeminism. The report is based on the experience of creating the generative video animation squirt.Metamorphosis from the digital artifact Aretusa Vox, developed through the online software Stable Diffusion. The aesthetic discourse of squirt.Metamorphosis evokes female sexual autonomy and pleasure as disruptive instruments to violence and patriarchal domination of the sexuality of women and people with vulvas. Aretusa Vox is an autofictional cyberperformance developed from a cyberfeminist perspective that converses with the myth of Arethusa, narrated by the nymph in Book V of Metamorphoses, by Ovid, about the ancient source of freshwater on the small island of Ortigia, in Sicily, Italy. Portrayed by literary canons and popular culture as a love story between the nymph Arethusa and Alpheus, in Aretusa Vox, the myth is exposed as attempted rape. The cyberperformance is both the result and the process of developing the CyberPerformanCity method, indicated for the creation of projects and artifacts of artistic intervention that mediate urban spaces and digital spaces. As a result, advances are highlighted in the understanding of the logic of algorithmic syntaxes for the experience of generating specific artistic images: among them, in what is proposed in this investigation, to frame them as vulva art movement. Aretusa Vox was developed through the CyPeT Project, funded by Portugal’s Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The proposal is dedicated to contributing with reflections on the role of the artist amidst technological innovations.

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