Capítulo V _ Convidados
Autobiografias e Pesquisa audiovisual participativa – primeiro ensaio
This text is part of the postdoctoral report presented to the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology in 2023, developed collaboratively and under the supervision of Lisabete Coradini. In the first part of the text, we address the concept of life stories in the form of autobiography, including their epistemological, methodological, and ethical implications. Although we find that written autobiographical narratives—both literary and essayistic—have been dominant subjects of theoretical reflection, visual arts, theater, digital narratives, and especially cinema have been studied by many authors and researchers since the mid-20th century. Autobiographical cinema is the focus of the second part of the text: stages or moments of development of autobiographical cinema, the emergence of landmark works in autobiographical cinema in recent decades, and the selection of two (+1) films for a study on how autobiographical narrative functions in these films. In the third part, we will discuss the creative activity—autobiographical production of an audiovisual essay, integrated into a teaching, research, and extension project. The limits of this publication did not allow for the adequate development of the second and third parts, which will be the subject of a future publication within the scope of the aforementioned postdoctoral activities.

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