Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
O Lugar do Cinema de Animação na erradicação dos problemas da sociedade e do mundo: The Box (2016) by Merve Cirisoglu Cotur
The conflicts that affect humanity in different parts of the world, worsening poverty and insecurity among people and nations, have a strong impact on people’s lives. The changes caused by the different conflicts that are taking place worldwide bring about changes in society that impact the security and lives of people, with nations having to rethink ways of life and act to eradicate wars and conflicts, giving priority to peace.
Aiming to achieve, by 2030, peace, diplomacy, and international cooperation to eradicate wars and conflicts that lead to poverty and insecurity among people at different levels, the United Nations World Organization calls for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, namely that which concerns peace, justice and effective institutions that force us to rethink ways of life to mitigate the effects of these changes on the planet.
The Box (2016) written, produced, and directed by Merve Cirisoglu Cotur, addresses pertinent issues of modern society, namely the problem lived in Syria and the migrations that take place with a view to survival in the face of conflicts that exist in this, and other parts of the world.
In this sense, our proposal intends, based on this animated film, aims to elucidate the relevance of this narrative for raising human awareness regarding the problems that affect the world and the planet, focusing on specific plans of the film and the areas that we can address regarding Cinema, Education and Arts.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.