Capítulo III _ Cinema - Comunicação
Estudo de caso de uma trilogia de processos criativos cinematográficos: “Aunque es de noche”
This work aims to examine the creation processes of the short film “Aunque es de noche”, directed by Diogo Simão. This analysis, developed in the context of the dissertation “Case study of a trilogy of cinematographic creative processes: training methodology and communication model”, is methodologically based on the concepts of genetic criticism, explored by Cecília Almeida Salles and Vicent Colapietro, and auto-ethnography applied to the creation of cinema. This study will start from a framework based on the director’s personal perspective in relation to the sociocultural and historical-geographical reality of the Algarve region (Portugal), with special emphasis on cinema’s development, with the aim of contextualizing different aspects of the creative process that led to the final artistic object: this will deepen the understanding of the specificities of the territory in which it was idealized, built and exhibited. Theoretical-methodological approaches to the creative process from the initial idea to the trilogy’s premiere will be contextualized and interviews with the actors will be cited, in order to cover different perspectives on the creation of the artistic object. Two key axes of the processes will be articulated: on the collaborative dramaturgical work based on co-creation and the overlap of theatrical and cinematographic techniques to create a multidisciplinary experience.

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