Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
Explorando a Diversidade na Tela: Uma Análise dos Filmes que Abordam a Questão LGBTQIAPN+ no cinema
This article examines the approach to LGBTQIAPN+ themes in films, analyzing how the representation of these issues has evolved over time and impacted audiences and the film industry. Through a critical review of the literature and an analysis of specific cases, we identify the predominant trends in the representation of LGBTQIAPN+ characters and narratives. The study highlights the importance of visibility and diversity in the media, exploring how films have addressed topics such as gender identity, sexual orientation, discrimination, and acceptance. Additionally, we discuss the challenges and resistances faced by filmmakers when including LGBTQIAPN+ themes, as well as the crucial role cinema plays in shaping social and cultural perceptions. As a corpus, the films analyzed include: “Philadelphia” (1993), “Milk” (2008), and “The Way He Looks” (2014). To foster the discussion, we draw on the works of Robert McKee (2006), Andrews (2024), and Sayad (2008).

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