Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
Entre a câmera e as Guerras: a circulação dos cinemas em Angola (1968-1992): os casos de Sarah Maldoror, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho e dos aparelhos estatais angolanos
This research is part of the ongoing doctorate at PPGH-UFSC in internship with the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. Angola, a country that became independent in 1975, has a vast film collection still unknown in Brazil. Its first cinematographic works are linked to filmmaker Sarah Maldoror (Monangabé 1968 and Sambizanga 1972). After independence in 1975, a large part of Angolan film production was linked to its new capital, Luanda - the People’s Republic of Angola. From 1975 and 1977, devices such as the IAC (Instituto Angolano de Cinema) and the LNC (Laboratório Nacional de Cinema) were created and consolidated. Different transnational film teams were mobilized in these devices, such as UNICITE (France), Equipa Ano Zero (Portugal), Cuban, Swedish and Italian filmmakers, among other locations. These initial mobilizations in the city of Luanda before and after independence reflect the attempts to build a nation state and the different conceptions about which model of socialism should be adopted using audiovisual resources. The research has as its initial focus the first productions of Sarah Maldoror (1968), still in the anti-colonial war (1961-1975), going through the first Angolan civil war (1975-1991), where the LNC and IAC apparatuses were consolidated, and ending in 1992, when a second Angolan civil war began, the post-electoral war, also highlighting the productions made by Ruy Duarte de Carvalho and the debates about film schools within the African continent.

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