Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
“Pierrot le Fou”, uma perspectiva de [auto]representação das artes plásticas
“Pierrot le Fou”, directed by Jean-Luc Godard, is a film that interweaves some artistic aspects of painting with the cinematic diegesis. Through the fusion of visual elements, such as the vibrant colour palette and innovative compositions, the film transcends mere narrative, incorporating influences from the plastic arts. The figure of Pierrot, played by Jean-Paul Belmondo, is worked from an aesthetic that converges some artistic movements such as Abstract Expressionism. It is therefore proposed to present a study based on the linear plot of the film, competing with the artistic elements that challenge cinematographic conventions and confirm the Nouvelle Vague.
It is not intended to be a mere stylistic-artistic presentation, but rather to analyse, in the context of this intertextuality, the presence of elements that contribute to challenging conventional storytelling norms, to the extent that Pierrot and Marianne, the film’s protagonists, are more than mere characters who play a fundamental role, and become metaphorical figures, framed by the driving force that lies between each frame. This unique fusion of forms of expression establishes the film as a milestone in the intersection between the seventh art and visual artistic expression.

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